Travel Exemption Options to enter Sydney for fiances

Travel Exemption Options to enter Sydney for fiances

Traveling to Sydney
People are wanting to travel to Australia for a variety of reasons, such as to be with their partner, family, for work or to live in Sydney.
People will require an exemption to enter Australia unless they are:
•    A permanent resident or Australian citizen.
•    An immediate family associate of permanent resident or Australian citizen.
•    An individual who has been in New Zealand for 15 days or more immediately before arrival by air in Australia.
•    A person transiting Australia for 70 hours or less.
•    Maritime crew, Airline crew including marine pilots.
•    A person recruited under the Government permitted Seasonal Worker Program or Pacific Labour Scheme.
•    A person who holds an Investment (subclass 188) visa and Business Innovation.

As mentioned above, people will require travel exemption options to enter Sydney for fiances unless they are permanent resident or an Australian citizen, an immediate family member of an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand civilian usually resident in Australia, a traveller transiting Australia for 70 hours or less, an airline crew or a maritime crew.

The travel limitations have been put in place to help protect Australia from the present global pandemic COVID-19.
People who can travel to Sydney during this time are required to quarantine for 14 days and you may be required to pay for the cost of quarantine.

Immediate family member
The meaning of an Immediate Family Member being used by the Australian Border Force consists of a de facto partner, spouse, legal guardian, dependent child.
There is an additional 12 month living together necessity to meet the meaning of de facto. The Department of Home Affairs website says that the 12 months living together requirement can be overcome by giving evidence of a registered or the relationship explaining the compassionate and compelling circumstances why the exemption should be approved.  

Travel Exemption Reasons
The Commissioner of the Australian Border Force (ABF) might reflect the following reasons for grant of an exemption to travel to Sydney:
•    A person traveling at the solicitation of the Australian Government or a territory or state government authority to assist in the COVID-19 response.
•    An individual entry into Sydney would be in the national interest, supported by the Australian Government or a state or territory government authority.
•    A person is given specialist or critical medical services, including air ambulance, medical evacuations, and delivering medical supplies.
•    A person sponsored by you.
•    employer to work in Sydney in an occupation on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL)
•    Military personnel, comprising those who form part of the Commonwealth Armed Forces, Status of Forces Agreement, Status of Armed Forces Agreement, and Asia Pacific Forces.
•    A student completing years 12 and 11, with provision from the relevant Territory or Australian State government health authority and education department
•    A student in your final years of study of a nursing, medical, allied, or dental health profession university degree, where you have proof of a confirmed placement in an Australian medical or hospital practice that commences within the next two months.
•    Traveling for compelling and compassionate reasons.
Critical Skills
•    with critical skills required to maintain the supply of essential goods and services such as in medical technology, aged care, engineering, telecommunications and mining, supply chain logistics, critical infrastructure, primary industry, agriculture, food production, and the maritime industry.
•    Providing critical skills in theology or religious fields.
•    sponsored by your employer to work in Sydney in an occupation on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL)
Traveling from Australia
•    Temporary visa holders leaving Australia
•    Temporary visa holders do not need an exemption to leave Sydney. They can leave at any time, as long as border restrictions in their home nation allow them to return.
•    Temporary visa holders, should be conscious that if they wish to return to Sydney while COVID-19 limitations are in place, they will generally need travel exemption options to enter Sydney for fiances.
•    Temporary visa holders leaving Sydney for a short trip overseas
•    Temporary visa holders in Australia can leave from Australia at any time, however, they will generally not be permitted to return to Australia.
•    The applicant encounters the requirements for an individual exclusion from Australia’s Inward Travel Restrictions.
•    They have a strong persuasive or compassionate reason to leave Sydney supported by related documentary evidence.
•    Attending the funeral of a close family associate overseas, visiting a close family associate who is critically or seriously ill, or seeking essential medical treatment not available in Australia.
•    Travel is essential for business purposes.

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